”One of the worst consequences is that the pesticides causes the loss of IQ points for our children. When you look at studies run by Columbia University, they show that the exposure to chemicals are linked to the decrease in IQ, tremors, and loss of cognitive potential. Chlorpyrifos is one of those chemicals affecting those measurable decreases.”
”The main argument to keep the massive use of pesticides is that it would be the only way to sustain the agricultural supply. However, this is not true. First of all, there are alternatives that seem to me much safer, and, in addition, there are studies now show that organic agriculture could not diminish the production values of food.”
”There is a place for regulation as regulators should work on avoiding the contact of chemicals and the population. Also we should reduce the use of plastic in food. In addition, simply opening the windows every day a few minutes at home, that will have a positive impact in our bodies. Finally, eating organic, we are getting away from pesticides and that makes pressure on the market.”