Asbestos in ships

The cross-border investigation on ‘Asbestos in Ship’ is coordinated by Investigative Reporting Denmark, editorial coordination is done by IRPIMedia from Italy. Investigations is done by IRPIMedia, The Black Sea, Investigative Reporting Denmark, Ostro in Croatia, Reporters Foundation from Poland, Saleem Samad from Bangladesh and panorama story is edited by Katharine Quarmby. The investigation is supported by Journalismfund Europe.


27th of September 2023:

IRPIMedia: L’ultimo viaggio

3rd of October 2023:

The Black Sea: Shipbroken: EU inspectors ignore lethal practices at Turkish shipyards

30th of October 2023:

Oštro: Azbest iz europskih brodova na azijskim rezalištima

16th of February 2024:

Investigative Reporting Denmark: Where European ships are recycled: Asian workers pay the ultimate price

23th of February 2024:

Tygodnika Powszechnego: Ostatni rejs. Gdzie i za jaką cenę kończą życie europejskie statki?


7th of March 2024:

The Daily Messenger (Bangladesh): Asbestos kills when ships come to die in Bangladesh

7th of March 2024:

Northeast News (India): A graveyard for ships and workers in Bangladesh

26th of March 2024:

EUObserver: Asian workers pay price for EU ship recycling