Access to documents from the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration shows the authorities are hiding activities in the MRSA-case. It also shows that officials let farmers refuse to participate in test.

Copyright Kent Klich
If one pig gets sick, the whole flock gets medicine.
The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration claims that it has not shared test-result with the farmers’ association, Landbrug & Fødevarer.
Documents from the case shows a different story:
The authority claims the test results have not been validated. In the documents it is made clear that a farm is regarded MRSA-positive if one out of five samples is positive. All the farmers should have been informed of the test results medio October.
Documents from the case shows a different story:
Pig-farms can refuse to participate:
Investigative Reporting Denmark and Åbenhedstinget on 28 of November 2014 have complained about the decision, demanding all the results of the test released and they have also asked for the list of farms which have refused to be tested.
The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration has in a decision 5 of December 2014 refused to give access to the list of farms which have refused to be tested.
Only a few tests in 2013
The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration planned to make most of the tests in 2013. But it only managed to make 7 out of 209 that year.
The test of 210 pigfarms is planned to be on a broad range of pigfarms, so it should be possible to consider how the resistant bacteria is spread at the different types of farms.
In september 2014 it was also decided to test all farms with production of small pigs, meaning there will be two rounds, one with the 210 farms and one with the remaining 100 farms for small pigs.
Mediapartners: JydskeVestkysten, Radio24syv and Ingeniøren
JydskeVestkysten 10 December 2014: Landmænd vil ikke have svin undersøgt
Ingeniøren 10 December 2014: Styrelse giver landmænd lov til at droppe MRSA-test